Moving to a new tank


New Member
Right now I have a basic bow front 7.5 gal. tank that is perfectly healthy and I want to move its contents to a 12 gal. nano cube. The only thing that is going to be different is that I want to add live sand. Other than that all the live rock, coral, fish, and water will be moved. Is this a bad idea? Are there any problems I need to look out for? Thanks in advance.


Staff member
:welcome to nanotank!

Add your LS to the new tank with some water mixed to the same specific gravity, pH, and temperature of the 7.5, then move your LR and aquascape it, after the dust settles move the rest of the livestock over. If you move any of your exsisting sandbed move only the very top layer without disturbing the lower levels.


New Member
first off welcome :welcome
I think Skip hit most of it the only thing I would add to test the water to make sure it is staying inline and the perameters arent going through a cycle the other is to have a little extra water incase you need to do extra water changes if anything should get out of wack :mrgreen: