More Flat Worm Problems


New Member
Dammit...theyyyyy're bacccckkkkk it! I'm so mad, these little boogers just won't die and leave me in peace! I heard something at a LFS and I wanted to bounce it off the board.

I was told that they are photo synthetic and aside from hoping FWE works, the other three options are: wrasses/velvet nudi's, scrap the tank (not an option) or black the tank out and hope the corals outsurvive the worms.

Velvet Nudi's are great, BUT...if they get sucked into an intake and get pureed, they are the equivlant of nuking your tank.


New Member
My six-line didn't seem to do anything. My blue velvet damsel didn't seem to at first, but it may have lately. I'm just not sure.

Salifert seemed to work pretty well, but I'll probably need to dose again at some point. If I were truly doing what I should, I would have a qt tank to dip incoming corals/rock etc.. in to kill them, but I'm a bit too lazy for that, and space is at a premium in our little house.



New Member
I should have a QT tank as well, I may get one b/c this is a real pain in the butt. The LFS told me a 5 to 10 second freshwater (RO/DI) dip would kill most flat worms. I haven' tput a new coral in a long time so I'm thinking one egg survived and they just keep coming back.

I'm going to dose FWE again but THIS time I'm going to mega dose the tank, then take a 400gph pump and blast the crapola out of my corals and live rock to make sure that water is penetrating everywhere and that every nook and cranny is getting hit hard with the tanks water full of FWE. I'll probably do this early in the AM before the corals open up so the water damage won't be as bad.

Oh, and the day prior I'll suck out as many FW as possible so there's less of their toxins in the water column.