You wouldn't believe it...First, well it was time for a water change, so I went ahead and did all of that, but I had to re-arrange my coral from the top, just in case I would have bumped him. I also moved my feather duster worm as I was afraid I might hurt it too.
Well after the water change, and I put everything how it was suppose to be, I repositioned the feather duster worm in the center, and after a hour or so down the road, I noticed it never came out. I was concerned and called my brother mike. He told me that quite possibly it got scared and it popped out of it's shell, and to squeeze gently on the tube to see if it wiggles. I tried that, and it resulted in what he thought...the worm had vacated the shell. Crazy to say, I have no idea where he went. I even tried moving my LR all out, and found zip, nada, ziltch! Where did he go? Does he dig in the sand when he has no protective shell? Well I gave up, re-arranged my rock to how they were (was kinda hard being it's not that easy).
Being new to this nano and saltwater is quite tricky...aie... my girlfriend is even sadder now, being that there is no feather duster visible, and also forgot to mention earlier in this post, that ms violet (purple dotty) died from a mysterious fungus, and the hermit grabs had a fiesta on his body. Nemo is all alone, but kicking nice and strong with no signs of sickness. I'll have to see what happens in the next few days, but if that feather duster doesn't appear, I guess it's back to the LFS for another one as my girl really liked that thing...
Well fellow nano'er's tell me what's up? What do you think happened to the feather duster? Will it return? Did i bury it? Can it maneuever through the sand and make a new shell ?? :?:
Well after the water change, and I put everything how it was suppose to be, I repositioned the feather duster worm in the center, and after a hour or so down the road, I noticed it never came out. I was concerned and called my brother mike. He told me that quite possibly it got scared and it popped out of it's shell, and to squeeze gently on the tube to see if it wiggles. I tried that, and it resulted in what he thought...the worm had vacated the shell. Crazy to say, I have no idea where he went. I even tried moving my LR all out, and found zip, nada, ziltch! Where did he go? Does he dig in the sand when he has no protective shell? Well I gave up, re-arranged my rock to how they were (was kinda hard being it's not that easy).
Being new to this nano and saltwater is quite tricky...aie... my girlfriend is even sadder now, being that there is no feather duster visible, and also forgot to mention earlier in this post, that ms violet (purple dotty) died from a mysterious fungus, and the hermit grabs had a fiesta on his body. Nemo is all alone, but kicking nice and strong with no signs of sickness. I'll have to see what happens in the next few days, but if that feather duster doesn't appear, I guess it's back to the LFS for another one as my girl really liked that thing...
Well fellow nano'er's tell me what's up? What do you think happened to the feather duster? Will it return? Did i bury it? Can it maneuever through the sand and make a new shell ?? :?: