Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit


New Member
I've been wanting to try saltwater (I've had freshwater for years, mainly african cichlids and discus), and i recently was given this kit as a gift. Is this a good starter kit, and what upgrades would be necessary? It has a Bio-filter, tank is 12g. Is this a good starting point, I'm really interested in getting a clown fish and possibly some anemones and other invertebrates. I've been told that this type of tank is good if I don't get live rock, and just wanted a couple fish. I have no problem doing weekly water changes, as I do this for my freshwater tanks as well. If this isn't a good starter, I can return it (I have the gift receipt). Thanks!


New Member
The kit isn't "bad"... but "some anemones and other invertebrates" in that 12 gallon without live rock, I think may be a bad idea.

I just started a 10 gallon nano reef tank about 4 weeks ago, and there are some major differences I can tell you about. For example, the idea of using tap water for water changes is no longer satisfactory.

To be honest, I'm the type to say "screw what the experts say", and I just HAAAAD to use tap water for my first two water changes, regardless of how many times I've heard "DON'T USE TAP WATER", and the result wasn't pretty. If you think you've seen "algae growth" before, wait until you use tap water in a reef tank. (This is all assuming you're going to keep corals in your tank).

So while I DON'T suggest you continue with your plan of going withOUT live rock, I honestly think you'll be fine if you just keep a few fishes, a bio filter, and weekly water changes on your list. You won't be forced to use reverse osmosis water and the parameter requirements aren't too strict. You just need to make sure your salinity is consistent before/after water changes, and make sure to watch the evaporation rate closely. Just top off your tank with freshwater to replace evaporation.

BUT... Once you decide to keep corals, it's a different game.


New Member
I just posted about converting my 55g to sw instead of keeping this kit, and these were some of the questions I had. I do not have an r/o unit at my house, but what I've done in the past is use the tap water but let it stand for a day or two before adding to my tank (this was a discus tank tho). I don't have a definite plan yet, I'm still debating on what I really want and what is best to do. But tap water+live rock=disaster? I may have to put this whole sw idea on hold until I get r/o. I do have a water softener at the house, but I can turn it off. I can go buy r/o water if I have to, and that would definitely be for only the smaller tank because I can't see hauling 50+ gallons in my acura coupe, lol...