mantis shrimp


New Member
I thik I've got a mantis shrimp. I see something hiding in my rock and it's not a crab/snail and I have nothing else in my tank that's mobile (except the orange brittle). Whenever it ducks away I hear a faint "click click click" and it's timed forwhenever it does pull away.

They are canivores, right? So I should get rid of it asap? I can get to it or I can trap it out. If there's a market for these guys I may try to trade it for something. It's pretty small and it must have grown in my tank as it couldn't have come from anything else.

I got a yellow goby and a peppermint shrimp today and I don't want to put them in my tank if this guy may eat them! I tried to take a pic of it, but it's in a place that is not photogenic. The bermuda triangle of my tank if you will. I know it's there and I can see it, I just can't show it to anyone else!


New Member
If your tank is big (i.e. 20G), you don't have to remove it immediately...unless it is a big one. I'm trying to trap mine and move it to another tank. It's been there for more than a month, and it hasn't harmed anything yet. I've ordered a trap, but it hasn't arrived yet.


New Member
I've got a 40gal tank, and someone on sdreefs said it might be a pistol shrimp. They said they tend to dig alog, but I haven't seen any disturbance of my substrate and it doesn't seem to leave it's cave. So, I guess I'll let him chill a little while longer. If it starts to cause a ruckus I'll wall him up in his cave like Jimmy Hoffa.