Majano Anemone


New Member
I was aware of aipasia anemones are considered pests in reef tanks and I normally use Joe's Juice to treat the problem w/ very good success, but even though I had heard of majano anemones before I had never realized that NC24 has a lot of these specimens in various places for months, but I never noticed it was a pest anemone. They seem to be somewhat less of a nuisance specimen than aiptasia and I never really noticed any harm to any of my corals until a reefer friend came over this weekend and pointed it out to me.



New Member
Yep... They're considered pests. They have a strong enough sting to irritate or kill some types of corals, and they can reproduce quickly. I've seen tanks that have a ton of them very quickly, and other tanks where there was only one or two for months and months.



New Member
I've had them for months and never really realized a fast reproduction rate, but again I do have a lot of them in the tank. Actually I always thought they were pretty and never realized they could do any harm. Now since I have quite a few of these guys, I think if I did a massive extermination, it would definitely foul the water, so I was thinking of doing this in steps in order to eliminate them little by little. I was thinking of injecting them w/ lemon juice instead of using the Joe's Juice.


New Member
I had the same sort of situation with tulip anemones....They're colorful, and I didn't notice them reproducing very fast....Then over the course of a month they really went crazy. I'm using joes juice to control them now.



New Member
I'm going to use the Joe's Juice w/ the anemones and try to slowly control the problem w/out fouling the water. Thanks a lot for the input and the pictures.

These are awesome shots by the way. Too bad these guys are harmfull, because they are very cool looking.


New Member
I think they are cool.....

I only nuke them with Joe's juice as I need to. If they aren't hurting anything I let them go....


New Member
hehe, that link says they are reef safe and do not sting corals, lol.

incysor vs some guy on ebay.....who would I believe? :)


New Member
The thing is their sting doesn't seem to bother MOST corals.

They didn't seem to bother my leathers, zoos, (although they may out-compete them as they will spread faster), frogspawn, torch, candy canes, festher dusters, star polyps. I wouldn't let them near my SPS, and mushrooms and other anemones definitely didn't seem to like them.
