Magnesium defeciency


New Member
Noticed my magnesium was only barely half my calcium readings. After many dosings and adjustments, I have brought it up to decent levels around 1100 or so, but still needs to go higher.

I decided to check my new makeup water and it was only 1100ish..I personally want my mag. level ~1400

I had never checked my mag. levels when having my 12g due to the frequent water changes, but since I have increased in size, I started checking it and am curious....other than water changes how do you guys keep mag. levels up?

Do you dose a brand new batch of saltwater or what? This really is crazy to have to add extras to brand new salt mixture, but I feel I am going to have to.


New Member
Couildn't edit it, but I meant mag. was barely double my calcium. Hope that makes more sense.


New Member
Nobody checking magnesium....???

From what I read it keeps more free calcium in the water for use. If magnesium and calcium is low...its impossible to get calcium levels up. Low calicum is what got me to checking magnesium, then on to the fact that mag. was always low with new saltwater...instant ocean brand anyway.

Guess its not the question for a nano forum. :oops:


New Member
I also had a problem with low mag level. What type of salt do you use. I use reef crystals. Right now i am dosing with kent tech m on my 20 gallon. But when i upgrade i will start dosing with epsom salts because it is alot cheaper.


New Member
Just using regular instant ocean. Do you dose prior to mixing your makeup water or after its in your tank?


New Member
Right now i am just dosing them tech m in the tank, but i am going to start dosing the emsom salts in my make up water to try and control it a little better.If you are running a reef you might want to switch to the reef crystals instead of the regular instant ocean. the reef crystals offer some more trace elements then the regular salt.


New Member
These are the readings I get with Reef Crystals..

Alk 9.6, Mg 1080, Ca 350

Pretty similar to the regular IO...Unless my testing isn't accurate (which is very possible) I don't see the value in reef crystals..

Regular IO gives

Alk 9.6, Mg 1050, Ca 330

I am thinking of mixing a batch of Instant Ocean and Oceanic mixes at 50/50 and see what that does...Oceanic has very high Mg. levels...I think...If I purchase some oceanic mix..I will post results of that mixture...

Still puzzled.. :sad: