

New Member
Hi All,
Just curious...I would like to get a subscription to a magazine. I would love at least a monthly mag on the reefkeeping hobby without the freshwater stuff tossed in.

I know you guys can spit these things out quite easily. I am still new at this so keep that in mind when making the recommendation.



Staff member
The only mag I know of that is all saltwater is Coral ( ) but it is a bi-monthly publication. I also like FAMA (Freshwater and Marine Aquarium) but as the title sggests it also deals with the freshwater aspect of the hobby too. Another mag I like that deals with both is Tropical Fish Hobbiest. Aquarium Fish Magazine is the other big one but it is not as good for reefers IMO, it seems geared toward new aquarists on the salt side of the mag.


New Member
Thanks skipm....

I was beginning to wonder if there was such a thing. A friend gave me lots of back issues of Tropical Fish Hobbiest and I do like it. I just wanted more reefing stuff. I will check out coral magazine.

Thanks again,