lunar LEDs keepin my fish up at night


New Member
Hello again, everyone.

We recently completed our new tank setup, and I am happy to say that our watchman goby is a hundred times happier in his new 40 gal uniquarium than he was in the old 20 gal hex. he always seemed kinda skittish, but I finally realized that it must have been just as distorted for him to look out, as it was for us to look in. Funny, huh? He is like a totally new fish.
My question is this, we have a new light setup, and it has 4 blue lunar lights. I noticed that our goby is awake at 11pm tonight. He was always a good sleeper, so are they a bad idea? Maybe he will get used to them? Just curious. Oh, and we have what I believe to be an aptaisia, very small, and he doesn't come out when the 250MH is on. Are they light sensitive? Do you think this is too bright? It is 8-10 inches above water, and the temp is fine, I was just wondering about the light output.

Thanks, as always :)


New Member
That sounds a bit high on light, but not detrimental in my opinion. How tall is the tank. If the tank is 2 foot or taller than I wouldn't worry at all! For the lunar lighting if it is too bright for your fish try covering up one or two LEDS with a piece of elecrical tape.


New Member
it is 16" tall, maybe we'll black out some lunars. It is nice and bright, but the only one who seems to mind is the aiptaisia. It's amazing how much better all of our LR looks in this new tank. You couldn't see it before, it was just a big pile. We hope to get some nice corals going, as our last set up was not ideal. :(
As far as the light being a little much, well, first off, we got the wrong light, and it used to have 2 250W mhs. It also has two actinic blues, but I do not know their output. It is from aquatraders, but seems great so far. (Other than it was waay too bright ) So my hubby took one mh out and modified it for better lunar placement of the 4 LEDs. So maybe that is still a lot? Learning as we go, because everyone on the web has widely differing opinions, ya know?


New Member
LOL Don't worry too much. You will know if you have too much light. You will see your coral hiding ALL the time if it is too much light. And after all, they adapt quite well. If you like it, that is all that really matters. It's your tank! :) Any pictures?