Low Light corals with a 14w bulb??


New Member
I have been told that I may be able to have mushrooms and polpys... possibly zoanthids, I think? So I just found out that I have a 14 watt bulbs. I already have 3 mushrooms that I got on some LR that I bought from the fish store. They seem to be doing fine, although one of them closes up every now and then... I think mainly after the lights been off all day. Now that I know my wattage I was wondering if you guys could tell me what kinds of corals, if any I can keep? Thanks for your help!
14 watts unless it is a very small tank is not going to be enough to keep much. Your shrooms will even suffer I think. They may survive but I don't think you will see much growth. I have a 10g tank with 96 watts of lighting and I can tell you that I need to upgrade from that. My new tank will have T5 for sure.