looking for information on


New Member
seachems iodide, I am trying to get some info on it and learn what you folks use and how much per dose
I know a few people regularly dose iodide how much do you folks add to your nanotanks and picos Thanks:mrgreen:


Staff member
I rarely dose iodine, iodide or iodate because if too much gets in the system it is toxic and I don't test for it. You really should test before adding any of the iodines to make sure you are noy overdosing. I think that most of your iodine needs are met through regular partial water changes.


New Member
Yeah thats true about testing your water before adding anything in the tank but my experience with iodine is that im using it one drop a week and everything seems normal except when i was dosing Mondays & THursdays 1 drop of iodine my shrimps and crab used to molt everyweek or 2 and now just dosing 1 time everyweek they are molting every 2-3 weeks why is that????