Looking for a good online source for Premium Live Rock


New Member
Title says it all.
I just brought a 24 Gallon Nano Cube Deluxe and I'm planning on using Indo-Pacific Black Live Sand in it and I am looking for a so really high quality pieces of premium live rock that I can aqauscape with. I hoping to make this a really nice display tank and have a real poor selection of premium rock at local fish stores. So I am open to your suggestions.

Thanks in advance
I have ordered from Premium Aquatics two times and both times the rock that was sent to me was gorgeous and very well packed in heavy styrofoam boxes. Prices are as good as anyone else and if you special request a shape or size of a rock or two they are very good about trying to fill that request. I think they are a sponsor here too so that is a bonus. I recommend them 100%.

Ritsuko N

New Member
Im considering a purchase of live rock in the not too distant future online myself. These are the two varieties I will get unless I run accross something else thats too good to pass up.

http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod ... pCatId=876

This in the passed has been some pretty nice rock. I havent ordered any of late though so Im not sure how good the quality of it is these days. This seemed to be coralline algae encrusted Table Acropora and Scroll coral skeletons judging from the last box I orderd, closely resembling the Kaelini (the Kaelini I have seen lately hasnt been very impressive) I used to be able to get.

http://www.reefermadness.us/LiveRockPag ... veRock.htm

This was some absolutely spectacular rock the last 88 lbs box of it I ordered!!! It was not cheap though and at the time I had more fun dollars available in my budget when I bought it, but it was well worth it in my opinion. It was reasonably light weight rock with a ton of surface area availavle for coralline algae growth and water to rock contact since its fused Porites corals that have died and been encrusted. This also was conducive to placing corals in the rock work securely.

Just some options...options are always a good thing whether you need them or not it good to have them available.


New Member
i was browsing all those sights and they all seem very nice and useful. all my LFS are really expensive and i'm trying to find stuff a little cheaper on line.
