Lobea? pronounced lowbeea?


New Member
What is a lobea? Help me with spelling because I can't look it up. I bought one for sixteen bucks today but the people at the lfs didn't know anything. This thing is hard like a coral but I thought lobea was suppose to be a brain. This isn't a brain. Sorry, no picture. Anyway it is suppose to filter feed. I know I'm bad, it was an impulse buy based on price. Somebody spank me!


New Member
That is what I thought they were talking about. This looks nothing like that. My camera is 50 miles south till next weekend. I'll post a picture by next Sunday. Hey, thanks alot for taking an interest. Please look next Sunday cause I have spent half the day on the net and can't figure it out.


New Member
O.K. , incysor; you are right. It is a lobophyllia. The reason it didn't look like the others is because it's sick and dying. I found one like it at another lfs. I'm still going to keep it. I have high hopes.