Live Video JBJ 12 Cube...


New Member
damn, check out that flow. You can see how strong it is with the GSP whipping around as it is. I see the sixline and dotty.......two of the fishes that never made it in this jbj :( I'll have to video sandra's tank too so you can see mr. bi color, nemo, and neon blue goby


New Member
Nice video...I can host a few now and then as well if someone should want me to. Just let me know.

Your clown looks like hes getting some serious swimming exercise :D


New Member
Very sweet. I've been meaning to try and take some video of my tanks, but I've gotta get my brother to actually come over and bring his video camera.



Active Member
Hey B,

My S500 Canon took that video you saw. It's really cool because the higher the memory card goes the longer I can shoot with my camera.

The clip you see is only 20 secs because I didn't want to have too big of a file on his site.

I did use a tripod to take the video. Dragons camera takes awesome video as well.

Brian, does your camera take video? With the quality of macro shots I see I assume it does.

I'd love to see your tanks in 20 sec clips :)



New Member
yeah cameras like ours should....especially for small clips.

But anyway speaking of cubes in general.....if anybody is interested in purchasing a 12 gallon nanocube dx, be sure to check out the "flea market" and check out the post I made for my brother.

Better yet, here's a link.