live sand q's


New Member
hi everyone... just wana get everyones idea on what good brandname live sand to get, and also what kinda live sand everyone using.


New Member
I use CaribSea Agra Alive Reef Sand always had good luck with it and my tanks always cycled pretty fast


New Member
yeah CaribSea Agra Alive Reef was my first choice..... so how many lb would u recommend 2 buy for a 6g nano cube? (jbj nano cube)


New Member
If you get a good quality live rock, you can just buy dry aragonite sand and you would be fine. The rock will seed the sand quickly. Just FYI.



i prefer dry as well - i don't like the grain size of that aragalive stuff - too fine, i like a courser mix and you get more choices with the dry and its cheaper too!


New Member
CaribSea Agra Alive Reef Sand is very good, I used it on my 2.5g nano and it has worked just fine for me, but, in my 55 gal. tank I used beach sand, all the live rock I used is from the beach and the fishes, inverts and other LS came directly from the beach too, and my tank has been up for more than 3 years perfectly. The only problem is that you have to cure ALL of the LS(other than inverts) for a minimun of 2 weeks before adding it to your main tank. Good luck