live sand opposed to regular sand


New Member
I just purchased some some carib sea aragonite with reef sand grade, and I was wondering if it was really worth the extra money to purchase the live aragonite. My LFS is pretty decent and he told me to go with the cheaper non-live sand. How long will it take for the sand that I bought to become "live" sand?


New Member
It isnt all that worth it to go with the live as opposed the the dry sand. It will help to introduce bacteria into the system a little bit faster, but dry sand will be teeming with life in a matter of a few months. The key is the aragonite-based sand.



i just added a bit (small bag) of that live sand stuff after a major overhaul but didn't really like the grain size - its too small.......carib sea reef grade is a bit courser and more to my liking.......and as jesse said your rock will seed your sand in no time......


New Member
I would go with the non-live sand as your majority source and see if your LFS would sell you a cup full of their sand from one of their established tanks. This method is cheaper and just as effective.

As Jesse said, the key is the aragonite based sand.