live rock question


New Member
hi, got a quick question. my brother has a bunch of live rock in his sw tank and i want to crush it and use it to put in the 2 chambers for a 12gnano cube (soon to have) the thing is it has lots of junk on it like long hair alage and sum weird purple milldew. well what im trying to say is should i scruub it off and clean it with fresh water befor putting it in the chambers or should i just leave it as it is and throw it in the chamber.

thanks againg for any help


New Member
I think it wil be ok, just putting it in your chambers since there is no light in chambers the hair algea will disapeard and the purple thing if is CORALINE Algea then is fine nothing to worry about!


New Member
That was a wicked link. Thanks. i thought i had a bay anemone. truns out its one of those Aipstasia...the first one on the list.


New Member
Personally, I would scrub it well in some old tank water or new saltwater then break it up and add it to the chamber...



New Member
exactly, that'll be better. There's a product from KENT MARINE that comes with a "scrub" and is used to prepair and clean the LR for new tanks, or in your case, chambers. :mrgreen: Good luck