Live Rock question


New Member
I was wondering if a live rock that has bad algae (bubble algae and who knows what else) growing on it can be saved somehow. My brother has live rocks in his tank right now but he is giving them to me because he is going to break his tank down. Will it be a bad cycle to put those rocks in my new tank?


Staff member
:welcome to nanotank.

I would take the LR and scrfub it with a stiff brush until it looks clean in some of the water it is in now, then place it in a container with a heater and airstone with new saltwater that is in a dark place and let it run for a few weeks/ Making sure to top-off the evaporation water and maybe a water change or two. then it should be fine to move into your tank. You will still have the usual new tank things like diatoms but thats normal.