Lighting for Red Sea Max?


New Member
I'm looking to purchase the 34 gal Red Sea Max tank soon. It comes with 2 bulbs which are T5-55 watt each for 110watts total. How come I am unable to find these powered bulbs anywhere on the internet? Is this a fairly new thing? Also with that lighting what will I be able to successfully keep coral wise in my tank? I want whatever it is to flourish. Also I want to stick with the stock lighting.


New Member
reefman23 said:
They are 55 watt power compacts like these:

You can keep some low to medium light stuff like zoanthids, star polyps, shrooms, xenia, stuff like that. No SPS, clams, or other high-light stuff.

HTH and :welcome to!

Sorry but that is simply not true! You can keep most SPS and Tridacind Clams as long as you place then in the upper half of your RSM. The Lighting is not PC but T5 w/PC connections. This seems to be a never ending debate for people who do not own a RSM. Red Sea seems to have put some kind of magic in these bulbs. :mrgreen:


New Member
Jesse, they claim to T5s although I have not seen them up close. With my T5 setup I keep clams, monticap, and birdsnest with no issues although they are in the upper half of my tank. I don't know anything about this tank, just that T5 can help high demand light critters thrive - not just live.