Lfs Water Readings?


New Member
Lately I have been testing the water from the bags that various critters etc I buy.

My tank has not been runing for that long but still when I measure LFS water from 2 in fact the nitrate reading are 100 on my salifert test kits?

I know they have holding tanks for snails, crabs, starfish etc but why such high reading?



New Member
That must be incorrect. everything would be dead at 100.

Just ask them what their readings are next time you are in. They will be able to tell you.

Maybe also take your test kit in to check against thiers.


New Member
If you are testing the water in the bags of your critters *maybe* the critter is fouling up the water? I am trying to play devil advocate as I'm pretty sure a LFS wouldn't keep many things alive with that reading.