Lets Talk 29g


New Member
Ok so I am in the process of converting a 29 gallon fresh to a 29g reef tank. I have upgraded the lighting, built a sump, ordered a 30 pound box of live rock...so I think I am getting closer to the time that I would like to decide what fish to go with and I just thought that I would run a list by you guys and see what you think. Keep in mind I know that I am not going to be able to keep everything on my list but....whats best for my tank?


Flame Angel (Centropyge loriculus)

Banded Multifasciatus Angelfish (Centropyge multifasciatus)

Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor)


Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)

Macneill's Assessor Basslet (Assessor macneilli)


Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus)

Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis (Neoglyphidodon nigroris)

NOTE: of i do have any Chromis I want more then one most likely 3


Filamented Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus)

Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)

Longfin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)

Well I think thats my wish list and maybe one day when i get a bigger tank I can Have more of them but for now a small grouping will do for me. So I guess my question for everyone is...What do you think of some of these, have you kept them, is there problems.....just let me know




skip the dwarfs - beautiful but may nip your LPS's
Royal gramma - a real nice addition to any tank
a school of chromis can be cool
wrasses - 6 line also a very nice choice - flashers are some of the prettiest fish out there but need a cover - they will jump out!
also - don't forget some of the "standards" clowns, gobies, and blennies all great personality fish and they are popular for a reason......


New Member
Yea i knew that about the dwarfs but I have also heard that it all depends on the fish as in some people keep them and never have any problems




yea maybe.............but your talking a small tank which means a big difference


i agree "talls" generally are not as good a choice for a reef - fish only tank, yes - but not corals it also makes it more difficult to push light to the bottom and also aquascape effectively. If you want a 40g the 40 long is a very nice tank 4' long so all standard lighting fits and much shallower. But as far as the dwarfs - i tried that once and then spent a month trying to catch it after i caught it nipping and that was in a 125....... again JMO


New Member
Apperently I'm lucky. I've had 3 flame angels, a lemonpeel angel, a heraldi angel, and a flameback angel all in tanks with LPS anywhere from 20 gallons to 60 gallons and only one of the fish was a problem. It was one of the flame angels in a 46 gallon tank... he only picked on one coral but eventually killed it. It was a green brain... RIP.

So I guess what I'm saying is... you never know.. it really comes down to the appetite of each angel individually. The fact is... some will be trouble... some won't. The percentage is so split that all you can really do is try.

Sorry I'm not more help but unfortinatly there really isnt a rule to follow with these fish. They're hit and miss.


how tall is a 40 T ( i'm thinking 36 x 12 x 24???) i'm not really familer with that tank but i would say with that light you should be OK....... zoas maybe some montis up top to midrange, LPS - euphids and favias - mid range and red LPS's and shrooms down low..... just averages of course - you'll have to play a bit and of course and flow comes in to play as well, but overall you should be fine??? nice light for a mixed garden reef tank of that size. you may even get away with a clam up high directly under the MH (6- 12" of water)
and rip sorry to disagree but 1 in three in mostly larger tanks then this one is not good odds to me.......i still say skip the dwarfs unless you go FOWLR..... they are beauties for sure but i wouldn't risk one taking a bite out of my precious 8" brain coral!!!!!!! JMO..........take it for what its worth....


New Member
It was actually 1 in 6. Which is certainly favorable odds but... Its all personal preference. I hear you though... The decision shouldnt be made until careful consideration has been taken.

John's advice, if followed, will probably save you some time and inconvinience though. I've been lucky but many times I think its better to be safe than sorry.


New Member
The light is a 150 watt MH with 2 96 watt actenics....as far as the angels go they seem to be a hit or miss and I may just have to give them a try and see what happens




sorry rip i misread your post but still, ya know, to each their own....right??
yea jordan I think that light will make for a good mixed garden reef tank. appropriate placement should allow you to have from mod/high light corals up high to low light down low.......just be sure to place shrooms on the edges of the bottom they'll do fine there and if you choose any higher light critters put them near the 150MH - 12" on either side and no more then 12" deep and you'll have a beauty of a tank......... in other words keep higher light demanding in the middle up high where they can benifit from the MH bulb. another thing to consider you may have to trade out those dual actinic PC for 50 - 50's - but see how you like it first! you may like the blue look of those PC's..... and the aditional actinic may add color to your corals reds, greens, and oranges really pop under blue light just not as much intensity or PAR


New Member
Thats some very good advise John thanks I think the lighting will work aswell but goin to the 50/50's is somthing to consider aswell I will jsut see how everything looks when its up and goin