Kalk Additive / Goniopora


New Member
I have read that it is recommended that kalkwasser to be added only at night to counter the raising PH. I a little confuse here... Is it okay if i add them with the lights on??
Secondly, I made a little mistake here... I've purchased a Goniopora, overseeing the fact that this is a poor survival species.. Anyone/someone can offer any advise on care/feeding of it?

Newbie :stupids


New Member
Here is an article from the trusted site, www.reefkeeping.com specifically for the care and propagation of Goniopora including the red, the green Goniopora norfolkensis, Goniopora planulata, Goniopora stutchburyi, Goniopora pandoraensis, Goniopora polyformis, Goniopora burgosi, and more. I believe the most common being Goniopora norfolkensis, which is what most of us see in our LFS.




New Member
BTW, I dont use kalkwasser, but i do use tropic marin Ca...but i think the key is dripping slowly at night. So slow your drip to spread it out over the 12 hours that your lights are out at night.



Staff member
:welcome to nanotank!

You really should only add kalk after lights out, this is especially true in our small systems where pH would be greatly affected. It is natural for pH to drop in our tanks after lights out due to cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Kalk has a very high pH so by adding it when your pH has dropped the effect (on the pH) is minmized.


New Member
Jesse / Skipm,
I have read in an article before saying that in the long run of adding liquid calcium additive, there will be residue contaminant in the tank eventually... How true is this statement?
I am having plans to change the "sun-tanning" period for the corals in the night, to minimise temperature fluctuation which I am only left in the early morning to dose Kalk... Since my curtains are usually drawn, the house are usually rather dim... Will that be a good period to dose kalk, as mentioned aboved for the natural cause of pH drop?



Staff member
Its up to you when night is for your tank, you basically want to dose after the lights have gone off. Dosing has no real bearing on the actual time of day as long as you keep natural lighting to a minimum.