New Member
thx to all and not great pics but im doing my best.... and well im glad that my flower pot didnt die cause was in his last but survived and well i know is gonna die soon cause they dont do well but at least i want it for 6 months or more and well the clowns they get better and better so thats good the only thing is killing me is my brown algea (diatom) problem well i post it in other forum but i put the parameter bad but i fix it today so just in case here they are nitrate 30 , nitrite 0.25, ph 8.0, phosphate 0 , gravity or salinity 0.022 i know my nitrate is high and that may be causing my diatoms problems and also alot of bio load but i hope with my macro that is coming the nitrate get better...


Staff member
You also have some kind of problem with your nitrifying cycle, the nitrite reading should be zero. The diatoms are a normal part of a new tank and should go away soon. What kind of water do you use for top-off and making saltwater?


New Member
Well my saltwater i get it from same place in my lfs (CIRCLE PET) and i get for freshwater add ... Spring water from vons. and well the nitrite i dont know cause of the color cause looks between 0 and 0.2 im not sure cause says that 0 the color is white and looks more like bone and 0.2 in like a deeper bone color not the color i see and they see ... same problem on nitrate is between 20 and 40... so im not sure about my parameters ... i tasted the water and then my lfs (strictly fish use the same quick deep that i use ) and then is (Circle pet they use liquid test kit and they told me the same everything else was fine calcium,ph,amonia,phosphate and alkalinity) the nitrate and nitrite were the ones they werent sure like me but they told me ok your water is ok... but i think nitrate is high i want to have them on 0 again that why im wating for my macro lets see if that helps ... macro will arrive on wedsday hopefully..
