just sharing some pics



took a couple pics of my 20 at school yesterday - some may remember the tank crashed when i had a heater break several months ago - it now is just a frag tank not much to look at - but the frags are cool



New Member
:shock: :shock: really nice i like your zoos the 2 frags in the middle they look super nice but i also love your candy canes they look big. :mrgreen:


thanks for looking guys........
yea erik i love frags - i'm addicted thats why my "display" tank never looks like it should either - tupperwares, shot glasses, and frags all over the place :) one of these days i should just let it go and see what happens.
ed, yea i love my candies - each one has 2 or 3 heads already, they like the lighting in my frag tank better then the light in my big tank - its interesing cause in the big tank they grow fast, many small heads but under PC they grow slower but bigger heads......neat ehhh???
but the zoas even though they look nice don't color up as well - moving them up onto that grid helped though. the leathers are not happy though they may have to come home - the two frags i left in my big tank are doing a lot better for some reason?????