Just got a 24 gallon nanocube


New Member
I was at my LFS store giving them rare palys/zoas for their personal collection when a customer was their looking at what I brought. He wanted my number and said he'd want to buy some. Well we keep talking and he stated he had a 24g nano cube and a metal halide fixture that he didn't used. I jumped in immediatly since I was waiting for the 28g HQI which is taking for ever to be released! So I said come by and I'd give you more than enough for the setup. When he came over the lighting system was a odyssea 250watt which I wasn't thrilled for but who cares! It was better than me spending $600 for a 28g HQI and stand.
I gave him about

15 heads of bubble gum palys,
10 pink zippers
6 lunar eclipse
9 devils armor
4 armor of gods
10 true safe crackers
4 armor of god palys
and a new coral life power strip

We were both happy but I had to do a little work since the tank was prety dirty.

So here's my questions?

Can a Berlin airlift 60 fit in the compartments?
Is a chiller needed or will fans work? (I only turn my lights on from 7pm to 1am)
What watt heaters should be used if I'm going with two heaters?
And is there a stand that taller than the 28 inches they offer? 40 or 52 inches?
This is going ot be corals only basically with 2-3 fish. Please put in your two cents. Thanks everyone


New Member
I have a 300W heater, I use in mine. I put it in the back compartment so its hidden. I don't see the need for 2 heaters, mine seems to keep it at around 78 degrees.

I think the fans work, no need for a chiller. As for the stand??? I have no idea, I've often used dressers, and wooden filing cabinets look at like staples, walmart, officemax. keep your eyes open, you never know what you'll find. Hell I look at everything with my aqua eyes (my wife calls it) :) I have a 40 breeder setup in my daughter's room, its stand is a dresser, 1/2" extra all the way around it extra. I bought the dresser at our local Lowes'. It's one of those solid wood kits you can build. Its soild wood, I wouldn't recommend the particalboard ones. Waterproof it with a coat of polyurathane (***spelling)

I apologize for the ramblimg on about a stand LOL. I hope anything i've said, might have helped you in some way. Goodluck, and great trade! I agree with you, alot better than spending the $600!!!!

Jamie :twisted: :shock: :twisted:


New Member
I'm actually bidding on almost the exact same tank on ebay right now. Its a 24g nano cube with a metal halide light upgrade (I don't know the brand) and the regular old nanocube 24g stand. I'm only at $170 ish right now, but I think I will go up to $250maybe even $300. Is that too much money for this set-up? Its used obviously, but it looked like it was in good condtion from the pics. Thanks!
P.S. I dont mean to steal your thread...sry :oops:


New Member
I personally wouldn't go $300, you have to think about shipping and why is the seller really getting rid of it? Hmmm, kinda makes me werry.

My .02 worth


New Member
SaltWaterDave: Hmmm.... If you can wait and save another $200+ I'd get the new nanocube 28g HQI! I think its very user friendly and probably the best cube just by reading and looking at pics in use. Or look on craigslist.com if anyone locally is selling one. I just got lucky at my LFS and was going to get a nano cube HQI but just traded for this.

Wolfgang: I say two heater just in case one goes out the other picks up the slack. I do that with all my larger tanks just incase. I just wanted to get peoples opinion as to what wattage to get for two heaters.

I read people change the pump to a mini-jet but what size? I plan on getting two smaller powerheads and get the wavemaker made by JBJ. I'm going after the 28g hqi nano cube setup. Any other opnions please jump in.


New Member
You could probably get away with 50W heaters if your useing 2 of them. No more than 100W each for sure.
