Jbozz (Newbie) new nanotank


New Member

Still pending the skimmer, i've got this skimmer for nanotank, is it good?

Still need Lamp, stand, fishes, backdrop

Any suggestion

Ritsuko N

New Member
First of all, Welcome to the forum, great to have you here with us.

Cute little tank you got there...I really kinda like it! I dont know how good that skimmer is but I would sure like a follow on report letting us know how it works. It sure looks interesting.

So what sorta plans do you have for this tanks future?


New Member
it looks like it works similar to the skilter250. I modifyed mine with a limewood airstone and it works great. maybe you can mod yours the same if it isn't working for you. :idea:


New Member
I, too am interested in your skimmer, but I have had very good success with Sapphire Aquatics Skimmers. They make models for all the Nanocubes, Biocubes, etc. I bought a NC12 model and put it in the back of a Aquaclear 110 that I have on my 10gl. Works like a charm! :)


New Member
hi, bro, any latest pic? How much you aid for the skimmer? Is it effective? I try to get from CTY... :roll: