JBJ Nano or Aquapod or cubemaster


New Member
Just wondering what nano manufacturer is better or if most nanoreefers think a simple 10 with cp and adequate filtration is just as good. Thanks in advance



New Member
I don't own any of the nanocubes or aquapods, but I'm seeing a high number of modifications being done to the originals.

I've always thought that if you were going to go with a 10g, a basic AGA tank would work just as well. There is alot more room to add varias pieces of equipment, and have a higher range of lighting options available.

Just my .02 :lol:


New Member
Jennie said:
I don't own any of the nanocubes or aquapods, but I'm seeing a high number of modifications being done to the originals.

I've always thought that if you were going to go with a 10g, a basic AGA tank would work just as well. There is alot more room to add varias pieces of equipment, and have a higher range of lighting options available.

Just my .02 :lol:
I agree.



Staff member
:welcome to nanotank
I am an owner of 2 JBJ Nanocubes, a 6 and a 12DX. I am in the process of setting a 10 gallon up now for the residents of the two cubes (motly to make some changes in the cubes). I have to agree that unless you really want the footprint of one of the cube tanks you are better off starting with a standard 10 gal. You have the option to light it with either PCs, Normal fluorescents, or MH, its up to you and not the manufacturer. For what I have the the 12DX I could have bought a 96 watt PC fixture, the tank, and a hang on filter and maybe even had a little change left over. I am all for either way of doing things because I think the choice is all yours, if your not totally sold on the dimensions of a cube go for the regular tank and you;ll have alot more options.


New Member
My .02 cents

More options with an AGA, but the nano cube is a much more attractive, compact all-in-one option. Plus the market pushing allot of options for nano cubes onto the market as JBJ, CurrentUSA, Oceanic and many ohers see a shift to smaller, compact aquariums.


New Member
I had an aquapod for a bit over a year and was unhappy. Canopy was of poor quality and broke very soon. Replacement parts were unobtainable. (Everyone was out of stock due to the mass ammount of parts breaking.) I couldnt get any support from Current either. No returned phone calls or emails.

I just bought a JBJ Nano Cube to replace it. Much nicer imo.


New Member
I have a jbj 28 gallon w/ 150 watt metal hilides, I had to get a nano chiller to keep it cool. Other than that its been running for about two months & I have 6 small mushrooms, a purple kenya tree, an fuzzy blue staghorn acropora, a feather duster, a bulb tip anenome, lettuce sea slug, sexy amenome shrimp, various crabs & snails, damselfish & everything is doing great. The tank is really easy to service, the only thing is the area where the powerheads & filter basket, well to put it frankly, there a little tight unless you weigh about 100 pounds.