New Member
Hey guys! I just went and got me a 2.5 minibow to finally get my nano started! Got lights and everything all I need now is some sand, rocks, and water haha. I was wondering if I could get your opinion on what kind of substrate to use. Fine sand, crushed coral, or reef substrate? (forgive me if the latter two are one and the same...) I was thinking of possibly purchasing one of those pre-mixed "natural saltwater" thingies from Petco for. $9.99. ratehr than get the salt separate and mix my water myself... any opinion on this as well? Do you think my LFS would be willing to sell me 2.5 gallons of their water (lol..maybe??? om ) and maybe a little bit of sand to seed my sand bed... do you know if they're generally cool about those requests? Anyhow, I can't wait to get started! Thanks in advance for your help!