IS anybody OUT THERE?


New Member

Just wondering where all the conversations went, or are we all soo busy as to not be able to shoot the S*it?

While I do not have a new topic right at the moment, I just miss reading about peoples endeavors, or seeing updated photos of members and family!

EDGRAY, your the last to post on this forum in the lounge.....on SEPT 22nd! I will be going to bed now, and I will think of something to start some good conversation in the lounge :)



New Member
Coralreefdiver said:
EDGRAY, your the last to post on this forum in the lounge.....on SEPT 22nd! I will be going to bed now, and I will think of something to start some good conversation in the lounge :)

Well Khara im always around and like jennie & jesse say once in awhile somebody is on chat but if not PM the guys that are active and they will join you, eventhough the chatters are JENNIE, BRANDON, REEFMAN, DRTY, EDGRAY & sometimes other but the ones mentioned are the one will say yes and join you for sure.....

but well i guess you already started a chat in the lounge right!

and dont worry we still here and theres lots of lots of love for you blondy... :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:



New Member
EDGRAY said:
Well Khara im always around and like jennie & jesse say once in awhile somebody is on chat but if not PM the guys that are active and they will join you, eventhough the chatters are JENNIE, BRANDON, REEFMAN, DRTY, EDGRAY & sometimes other but the ones mentioned are the one will say yes and join you for sure.....

but well i guess you already started a chat in the lounge right!

and dont worry we still here and theres lots of lots of love for you blondy... :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

Is Chatters a new title Ed?


New Member
Jennie said:
Is Chatters a new title Ed?
:oops: :oops: common you know my English is not that good once in awhile i create words but glad you got a :lol: out of it :mrgreen:
