Initial Cloudy Water


New Member
How long should it take for the cloudyness after initially filling the tank to go away? Filled my nano up today and got it all setup and just wondering how long it will be cloudy for...

I rinsed the substrate til the water was clear... its CaribSea Aragonite Reef Sand


New Member
cadeucsb said:
How long should it take for the cloudyness after initially filling the tank to go away? Filled my nano up today and got it all setup and just wondering how long it will be cloudy for...

I rinsed the substrate til the water was clear... its CaribSea Aragonite Reef Sand
For the cloudyness, just give it a month or little after a month, and it should clear. As far as your reef sand, you rinsed it?? I believe you toss it right in. Hope it didn't rinse away the beneficial bacteria.


New Member
I dont think there is a set time but maby a day to a day and a half would probly be average. I dont really no cause my tank cleared really fast after the initial set up


New Member
You only have sand only no LR? I was basing my response based if you did have LR in there. If you are starting off, you'll need to get the LR in there to start the curing process and let your tank cycle, and that will take like a month to see it clear up significantly.


New Member
I hope it wasnt live sand you rinsed out. And if you did it under tap water then it probally isnt Live Sand any more. Tap water will kill the beneficial bacteria in the sand. And if you smell the rock and it stinks really bad then it isnt cured. Cured LR will have very little to no smell to it. If it smells like clams that have been left out in the sun all day then it isnt cured. :D


New Member
any sand thats dry and lives on a shelf will contain no live bacteria... if it did, all those bacteria cycle products would work as they claim...when in reality, the only one that works (bio spyra) is refridgerated in solution and if warms, it dies....

Its just reef sand, no mention of Live


New Member
I'd give it a couple days to settle down. Try turning down your tank flow a little as well to help give it time to settle.