I'm new, hows my plan


New Member
Ok, so I have officially been consumed by the nano monster.

I've got my 12 gallon NanoCube DX started. And would like the opinion from those of you that have been doing this for a while.

Right now I have my system filled with water (SG 1.024) and the pump cycling. (been running 2 days now)
In the filter chambers I have...
1. 2 blocks of foam
2. 1 charcol bag, 1 block of foam
3. heater and pump
Next addition is Live sand and a Live Rock. I intend to test the water before I go purchase this to make sure all levels are acceptable before I add anything.
Once Live sand and Rock is installed I plan to cycle the system and check the water levels every day.
After a week or so of cycling I was going to add a few inverts and some coral.
Once the tank has been running with the inverts and coral successfully I plan to add a few fish.

How does this sound, any corrections, comments, or even WTF are you doings?



"After a week or so of cycling "
you can add the rock and sand now but make the time period a little longer depending on the quality of your live rock - maybe a month or so for cycling, before adding anything ......... otherwise your on track. :)


New Member
I agree. Everything looks fine to me other than I'd go at least 3-5 weeks on the cycling or else you are going to be fighting algae forever.


New Member
You can add the live rock and sand at anytime. Then you'll have to test your water every few days to make sure the cycle is complete BEFORE adding any inverts and coral. The cycle may be done in a week, or it may be six weeks. It mainly depends on how cured the liverock is. Some LFS sell uncured, and it'll take longer for it to cycle. Everything else sounds fine.

Welcome to the site.



New Member
Thanks for the help so far.

This site has been a great thing for me as I enter this hobby. I plan to be a permenant fixture here.

Thank you all.


New Member
Love the name Scoop!

FYI- When you get your nanocube - USE CAUTION!!

There has been a recent problem with them. The tanks crack. Either during shipping or after a few weeks of being setup and filled. Carefully look over the tank and look for any pits, air bubbles within the glass itself and any hairline fractures near the rim and bottom rim. If there is any question, return it or contact JBJ immediately.

There is alos hint of a class action lawsuit against them for this problem and them not fixing it. This is just "heresay" right now.

Other than that, it sounds like your on your way! Can't wait to see how things turn out.