Ideas on my next fish...


New Member
As you may already know, in my tank now I have one BCS and one yellow-tailed damsel. I would like to also have two black and white ocellaris clownfish. I really like all of the different colored firefish. And I know that there are a lot of goby's that are good in nano, but my understanding is that they are aggressive toward their own kind. So I was wondering what the coolest goby is? I like the scooter blenny too. I have so many ideas!! Anyway, just wondering what you guys think would be a good next addition to my 12g nano.


New Member
really only one or two more fish? I like that goby too. I was reading that they can form relationships with pistol shrimp... the lady at my local aquarium store had a red and white goby that she said is a "mated pair" with a pistol shrimp. It's the coolest thing, she fed them and they both come out together and the shrimp keeps an antenna on the goby at all times so that if theres danger he can alert him. very cool stuff.


New Member
Yah, there are a handful of gobies that will hang with certain types of shrimp and share homes together. Its a pretty cool thing to watch.

I meant 1 or 2 fish total for a 12 gal tank. Fish create quite a bioload for your filter system and since a 12 gal is pretty small it doesn't take much to throw off your parameters. If you are using a good quality skimmer you might be able to get away with 3 fish but I wouldn't recommend it. So choose your fish wisely - get the best fish or 2 you could possibly house in a 12 gal. I wouldn't listen to what the LFS sales people say on how and what you can house because they are usually just trying to sell you stuff. I would ask around the forums more, read, and do some research on nano fish.

Here's a good reference: ... ?c=15+2124


New Member
There is a lady at my LFS that I really trust. I havent asked her about that yet though, but i will stick to two fish. I'm moving in october and I plan on getting a 55 gallon :-D. I am hooked already.


New Member
:) YAY, another one. :) Just make sure to do your research fully, don't take us for gospel either. Patience is key and you'll do just fine. I agree about having only one or two fish in the 12 gallon.