I need some support from my Nano family...


New Member
i know its been a while since i posted but i wanted to show you all the newest additions to my tank... i scored these two BTAs yesterday for a killer price (50 for both and the aptasia rock they were on) and here in S. Florida they are not too common, especially the starburst green and a rose with that red of tips) i know once they grow i can easily sell them for 2x what i paid for each (20 for the rose and 30 for the green)



New Member
they have since moved off that rock.. the rose moved up onto the adjacent rock and the green buried himself in that back right corner... he is still bubbled up pretty just mostly behind that rock... (the MH is probably a bit much coming from being 2 feet under VHOs in the store to 12" below a MH in my tank... he will move again... they arent taking food yet but that is expected and their mouths look nice and shut... green had his mouth open wide last night doing a "water change" in his body, but it closed up when he was done...


New Member
OH... and the reason the title is the way it is... is because everyone and their mother is like "they are going to die in a week... nanos suck,,, if they live they will take over your tank in no time" etc even though i KNOW i am prepared to deal with anything except random death... so just show some support and be like "BTA in a nano... cool idea... 2 ? even better" i am getting a bigger tank in august... just havent decided how big..


New Member
Well good luck and keep us posted on how they do. Is that a 20gallon long? And what light exactly are you using?