ok--last night i did a 20 percent water change and just left the tank alone.
i will check my calcium levels tonight
so what your tellin my is that if alk is high calcium is low
ok---- what cacium should i be using
what i was told to use is kents liquid reactor
you think that might be the problem --should i be using a calcium suppliment by itself or is this good?
this is what i use:
Liquid Reactor is a complete calcium buffer system designed to give the same results as costly calcium reactor systems without investing in a reactor, CO2 tank, solenoid, and pH controller; also, there is no risk of overdosing CO2 and causing subsequent problems with algae and/or pH. This product will raise the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, strontium, and carbonates (alkalinity) in the system, and is chloride, phosphate, nitrate, and gluconate free! Each 16 oz. of Liquid Reactor will treat 5,000 gallons or 18,900 liters and contains 126,000 ppm of calcium and 193,000 ppm carbonates.
Kent Marine Liquid Reactor is an aqueous complex of calcium and carbonates; additionally, it provides magnesium, strontium and trace minerals. This material originates from ancient marine deposits that are now terrestrial (not collected from current marine environments, and so does not contribute to reef-destructive collection practices). Liquid Reactor is free of pollutants, and organics which may be present in aquatic muds of terrestrial origin. This is a simple means to dose calcium, magnesium, and carbonates to reef aquariums without the high cost, maintenance, and potential for CO2 overdosing associated with calcium reactor systems. Furthermore, hobbyists wishing to avoid addition of chloride ions to their reefs will benefit greatly from Liquid Reactor as it is chloride-free and will not cause ionic imbalance!
The rate of calcium and carbonate depletion within an aquarium will govern the rate at which the residual concentration of these ions is increased by Liquid Reactor. Liquid Reactor is designed to work well with all Kent products. Hobbyists may choose to add other Kent Marine supplements to target specific ion deficiencies in their systems, revealed by testing or to raise levels more rapidly. Kalkwasser Mix or any Kent calcium product, or Tech CBTM and Tech MTM may be used simultaneously, if necessary or desired. If you choose to use these products, less will be required, so be conservative with dosing. Use Kent Marine Essential ElementsTM, Coral-ViteTM, and Tech ITM, simultaneously to maintain proper water parameters between water changes with Kent Sea Salt, and add PhytoPlexTM, Coral AccelTM, and new ChromaPlexTM to provide optimal nutrition for filter-feeding marine invertebrates.
A pH of 8.0 to 8.3 and an alkalinity of 2.9 to 4.5 meq/L (8 to 12 dKH) is recommended. Calcium level should be maintained between 400 and 450 ppm. Test calcium & alkalinity and adjust the recommended dose for your particular system!
may i ask you another question john
as long as i do my weekly water changes and keep calcium at its correct level --i should not add any more additives -correct
sorry-im real dumb at this fish tank stuff