I need help trying to figure out new tank set up


New Member
I went to the pet store and bought a tank, and a lot of other equipment. It turns out that they sold me all of it and it does not really work for the saltwater fish tank. Even I specifically told them that.
Anyway I just wanted to run a check a see it all will still work for my tank.

I have an octagonal shape 20G fish tank. Light on the hood is 40watt. I went to the other store and bought live sand and regular beach sand to get started(it's 3"-4" deep). I got Bio Wheel Filter (at the store where they screwed me), it's runs 100G/hour. And my heater is 75watt (on the package it says that it's good up to 25 G). Am I really screwed? I installed all of it and then it turned out that I might need more light, bigger filter.:(

Currently I have only 12,5 G of water in the tank, since I added sand and plan to add live rock.

I am not planning to have it very sophisticated. I simply wanted to get started on having a saltwater fish tank. I want to have some live rocks , maybe a couple of soft corals, cleaning crew, and 1 or 2 clown fish.

thank you very much


New Member
Well, I won't sugar coat it for you so it may come across harsh but it is not. Just trying to help you out.

Take back the tank and anything that came with the tank (ie light). You do not want an octagon for a reef. It's a PIA to clean, it's hard to get any pictures because of the distortion, there is not enough surface for gas exchange and most importantly, getting any good lighting to fit over the tank is going to be a royal PIA if not impossible.

If you want a 20gal, try a 20L or high. Or try a 10 gallon. Ten's are much easier to shop for and get going than an octagon ever will be. Trust me, you will kick yourself later.

As for the sand, you said "beach" sand? Do you know what the package said? I would stay away from package sand from the LFS that is for freshwater. It can be used for saltwater but it is silicate based and may cause diatom and algae problems later on. Also, critters dont like it as much because its pretty sharp consider most sand is glass. Were talking on a very small scale here.

The best sand to get is carib sea any sand that is "fine" or "sugar sand" by Argamax or any packaged sand that is SPECIFICALLY for saltwater is what you want. A 25lb bag will be plenty for a 10 or 20L (or the octagon if you keep it). Do NOT buy crushed coral, fiji pink coral or anything that is "chunky". You want small grains. The smaller the better.

I would recommend an Aquaclear 500 for your tank, but I don't think it will fit due to it's shape. Aquaclears are all you need for a reef and a couple of microjets. That's it.

You will need MUCH better lighting if you want to keep corals. Another drawback to the octagon tanks. I don't have any recommendations for that tank because they are just weird :D

Here is what you should consider purchasing -

10 gal or 20Long tank.
Aquaclear 500 or one just under it. Id stick with the 500 tho as you can turn it into a fuge later
Reef sand as stated above (not silica based, reptile or freshwater type sand)
Microjet 404 power heads. There are 2 by maxijet one is 30? sumthing and the other is 40? something. Get the 4 somethings.
If you heater that you have now is sumbersible, keep it. It will be fine. If you want a good heater, get an ebo jager 75w instead. The best there is.

As for lighting, the best would be a Coralife 96w Quad Hood. These are cheap and do the job, (this is for a 10 gallon, a 20 would need something just a bit longer). As for the octagon, I can't help you.

Don't let them sell you any other crap. It's not needed. SAY NO!

Good luck and let us know how things go!


New Member
If it were me, I'd go with Kris's suggestion.

However if replacing everythin isn't an option, you can still make the tank viable, it's just gonna take some work.

The largest problem with octagonal tanks is that they're difficult to light. Most of the cheap lights that put out enough light for a reef tank are simply too wide for these tanks. That said, a 150w MH and a couple small actinic pc lamps would work fine.

Replace the beach sand unless the package says arragonite on it. What you want is arragonite sand, whether it's large coarse grain, or sugar sized is personal preference. I like the sugar sized sand, I think it's stays a bit cleaner.

Your filter should probably be replace, with and aquaclear 500 if it'll fit on your tank, it depends on the width of the panes on your tank. If it won't fit I'd get another filter like you've got and add to it. After the initial cycle period you'll want to remove the bio-wheel. They're useles, and just end up adding to the nitrates.
