i just realized something...


New Member
when you purchase RO/DI water from the lfs
is the pH at 7.0 like regular water or did they already add the buffer to the water?

i cant believe i never thought of this before :lol3:


New Member
most places DONT add anything...you almost always have to add buffer. RO water has a lower pH that saltwater.



New Member
Yeah watchout with that brandon cause i got some PH issues cause of RO water just add some buffer and u will be fine as jesse said ......


New Member
ok, i was just really confused when i first started and my pH kept droping
i thought it was due to temperature change or something illogical like that...


New Member
DOH!!!!!! :bash:

So in my drip system will this also have a negative effect?? What buffer should I buy to add it to my RO???


New Member
i made the same mistake also.......it was one of those things that never crossed my mind. its actually kind of funny.