Hi guys, we have a problem
I've started to develop a hydroid explosion. Thanks Skipm for IDing them. The hydroids are barely a millimetre across but they're spreading to form tiny patches; like daisies.
I've scraped some off with a stick but i fear they'll just reattatch somewhere else. Anyone had any exp with them?
What should i do?? They've also caused a slight fall in pod numbers. I think thats what they're eating.
I've started to develop a hydroid explosion. Thanks Skipm for IDing them. The hydroids are barely a millimetre across but they're spreading to form tiny patches; like daisies.
I've scraped some off with a stick but i fear they'll just reattatch somewhere else. Anyone had any exp with them?
What should i do?? They've also caused a slight fall in pod numbers. I think thats what they're eating.