Hydroid Help


New Member
Hi guys, we have a problem

I've started to develop a hydroid explosion. Thanks Skipm for IDing them. The hydroids are barely a millimetre across but they're spreading to form tiny patches; like daisies.

I've scraped some off with a stick but i fear they'll just reattatch somewhere else. Anyone had any exp with them?

What should i do?? They've also caused a slight fall in pod numbers. I think thats what they're eating.


New Member
I've never heard of anyone getting that many hydroids. They also usually die pretty fast in my tanks. Weird.

At least they don't really harm anything.


New Member
I think it's cos my tanks are covered in pods. After all, hydras arent photosynthetic; and besides they're now in a darker area hidden by the LR (thats where i cant get at them).