

New Member
Just wondering if any of you have personal experience with hydnopora? I am having a hard time researching lighting, current and feeding needs of this coral.



New Member
hydnopora is a high lighting, high flow coral. It is a flat-growing SPS. I have heard that this coral is "on-the-fence"....that is to say it is an LPS that is often written off as an LPS. Either way, care for it as an SPS.

That being said, can you remind me what your lighting, tank size, and filtration methods are? Thanks.



New Member
I don't think I have ever really stated what my setup is. I have JBJ 12g DX. Stock lighting, upgraded to maxijet 900 pump, surface skimmer, using stock sponges with chemi-pure carbon. The tank is few days shy of 5 months old. Not sure how much rock I started with but I mixed up 10 gallons of water put the sand and rock in and it would only hold 8 gallons of water. Hope this is the info ya wanted.....thx..


New Member
Hmmm... I would put this coral as high as you can in the tank and just keep an eye on it. Do you see good polyp extension? This coral whould look sorta shaggy.


p.s. Place this coral a couple inches away from all the other corals... it can be aggressive.


there are two basic growth forms in hydnophora encrusting and branching - i bought a piece 6 months ago that was the size and shape of my thumb thinking it would be the branching type. it has since encrusted a 5" circle. they are VERY potent stingers and will kill anything it touches although i haven't seen sweepers come out on mine except once - about 2 inches to zap a zoa it thought was too close. this is not a nano tank coral IMO. They are very pretty flourecing green but need realatively bright light (mine gets indirect MH and VHO actinic) , encrust fast, and sting hard - three charactoristics most people don't want in there nanos - especially a 12g


New Member
Its only slightly above the midpoint of the tank. That pic was taken only 2 hours after I put into the tank. It seemed to look like cheap carpet. I will try to take a now and later pic occasionally and get opinions on how it is adapting.



New Member
I usually try to research at least a little before I buy, but this time I listened to my lfs guy...bad thing is, I knew better than even ask them about anything..

I will hope for the best, if it gets to struggling..I will give it to a friend who can hold it until I get my bigger tank going...

I am in research stages of setting up ~50 gal...makes sense of what both of you say. Thanks..


here is my hydno and don't take me wrong it is a beautiful coral but i wanted the branching type so i could control its growth somewhat and am amazed by the growth of this encruster as i said it went from the size of my thumb to the size of my hand in 6 months - and because i put it on such a large piece of rock i can't really move it about so it owns some prime real estate in my tank... not that i mind cause this is in the 125 but in a 12 it could cause some trouble down the road



New Member
johnanddawn said:
here is my hydno and don't take me wrong it is a beautiful coral but i wanted the branching type so i could control its growth somewhat and am amazed by the growth of this encruster as i said it went from the size of my thumb to the size of my hand in 6 months - and because i put it on such a large piece of rock i can't really move it about so it owns some prime real estate in my tank... not that i mind cause this is in the 125 but in a 12 it could cause some trouble down the road
That is what I have heard and read as well...good points.



New Member
That is a beauty....I can see I definately will have to pass it off to my friend in the future. I rearranged my tank last night and put it up high. I am a little disappointed in my lfs guy for not giving me the full scoop on it. I am sure my friend would be glad to keep it for me until I get more acreage for it.

My hydro has a bluish-pink color to it..


New Member
When I moved this thing up in the tank, I dropped the origional pump into the tank and covered it with some rock and managed to get the flow aimed directly at the hydro. I read somewhere it liked medium to strong flow. Since I did this, the hydro has not closed up since...day and night it stays open.

Is this a good or bad sign? Usually open means good, but could it mean that its starving or something??


in general no coral likes direct flow from a power head blasting on them but if yours is happy great... look at my pic notice the ridges of teniticles surrounded by valleys of mouths - thats what it looks like when its happy. in the morning when its been out feeding all night - it's tenticles are extended more and almost cover any sign of the mouths