How fast do I go?


New Member
Ok I have these polyps that are not wanting to open as we know this has been a hottopic
is the when I got him to what he is looking like .
I did move him up but the height is limmited in the tank as of last nite we had 5 - 7 polyps open ! YAY! well today in my travels found a suction cup net I placed him on it and got him up a few more inches . My question is once he is recovered , which he is showing signs of how fast can I lower him or do I have to keep him up high, none of the other zoas I have are up high , I would like to place him back down to make him my center piece once again but only once I get him back to his former glory


Staff member
I would say to keep an eye on how the zoo looks, if it seems to be showing signs of regression then move it back up a little and let it reacclimate then begin lowering again at a pace that doesn't cause the coral to show stress. HTH, Skip