How do you make a personal avatar?


New Member
I am having trouble making my own avatar. I have a partiular photo I want to use, but cannot seem to get it to get small enough for me to put it on, or it says error, or it says it cannot complete using the URL off

It posted the pic on the forum took up almost half the side of the forum under my name, so I have since deleted it.

Any ideas, suggestions? Can I just send the photo to a moderator to post for me?


New Member
I find a picture that i like, crop it down to 150x150 pixels, store it at with the rest of my pics, then copy and paste the IMG adress into where it says "Link to off-site Avatar:"




New Member
can you make it a little bigger?

You can see's 150x150. Looks like yours would be like 150x100 or so.

Nie picture, BTW! Is that a big ol' crab?



New Member
Yeah nice avatar.... and well looks more like a lobster or something like it makes me wonder what is it ???? if you can share the info :oops:


New Member
That would be a nice big 'ole Spiny Lobster off of Molasses Reef off Key Largo. Pulled the sucker out of a hole and buddy took my pic. He was cant really tell just how big, but he was the biggest Spiny I have seen on the reef. :shock:


New Member
The only part I hate about the pic is my gauges hanging down. I have since gone wireless with a wrist mount computer :)

I will switch out my avatar frequently now that I know how to do it :mrgreen:

Thanks for the help on that. I was having a hard time getting the sizing right...that pic is a long pic and if I went down to couldnt see a thing, and then it went huge, like a regualr 4 x 6 photo (figured that wouldnt go over to well), but I think I got it a nice size now...bigger than I want, but your able to see I have something "lobstery" in my hands.

Oh and in case your wondering, I left the lobster to prowl the reef a bit longer. I don't dislike lobster meat, but I cannot take one from its home and kill it by pulling its tail off.....just CAN'T. Just something about it grosses me out...I don't eat any crustaceans.