how big


New Member
I want a better filter system for my 20L. Im thinking of getting a new 20L getting it drilled then taking all the sand and LR out of my old 20L. My consern is how big of a cycle am i looking at? could i do the swap in a day add back my fish and corals then do a water change in a day.


New Member
Yes, yes and yes! :) Somone that can think! Very nice to see these days.

You can have it all swaped in one day with very minimal issues. There might be a sand storm of sorts, but it shouldn't be too bad. The cloudyness will clear up in a few hours. Very good idea. Let us know how it turns out.


New Member
too bad you don't live closer. I have a 20 gal long that I have sitting in storage collecting dust.

Good luck with the drilling tho :cool1:


New Member
If you go with a new sandbed you shouldn't have any cycle at all.

If you use your existing sandbed you're likely to have a small cycle due to the anaerobic bacteria in the sand dying off as it gets stirred up. You can minimize the cycle by rinsing the sand out really well with some of your existing tank water before you put it in the new tank. I'd use about 50/50 new water/existing water, and be be ready to do another couple fairly large water changes over the week or so following the move. It's a little messy but otherwise it should be really easy, and I doubt you'll have any problems. What's the new setup gonna be like?



New Member
the same. im just getting a 20L and having it drilled. i dont like the hob refugium do to the fact if the ph isnt cleaned weekly i have a clog and then the refugium gets a brown film causing my tank to go nuts. right now im fighting a bad diatom bloom and i cant run a skimmer do to space wise. with a sump below (which will be the old 20L) i can run a nice skimmer. Plus my HOB refugium had sand that went from white to black which was bad. i havent had a nitrate spike or anything but still. for some reason my shrooms, hammer, or torches dont seem to thrive any more.


New Member
Very cool. That should be quite an improvement in the filter dept. Post some before and after pics.



New Member
alright will do. plan is after i get paid this friday go to global and get the tank from them and have them drill it all in the same day.
any suggestions on how to remove the sand? should i try to scoop it out with a flat piece of metal this way i dont chrun the sand?


New Member
It's not gonna matter. The sand will get stirred up no matter how you move it. Air will get to the anaerobic bacteria pockets regardless of what you do, so just scoop it out, rinse it off good and put it in the new tank.



New Member
Here's a thought. Are you going to drill the back of the tank or the bottom?

If you drill the back, get at least two holes put in for skimming via a cup. I only have 1 hole and I really really wish I had two put in to double my surface skim capability. Live and learn, of course I wish I had drilled the bottom and figured a way to plumb it around the drawers in my stand but again, hindsight is 20/20.


New Member
well if i can ill drill the bottom but if i cant about a inch from the rim is where the hole will be. then another hole at the opposite end fro the return.


New Member
i had mine drilled at both ends,refuguim on the bottom, and custom built filters so my tank didnt have anything hanging off the back. very clean. view from both sides. i hacked my protein skimmer so it would fit into the sump end and it works better than it did at org. height. :idea: