HOB Fuges


New Member
Has anyone had any experience with these? If so, can you give me your opinion on them? I'll be setting up my 30L soon and was thinking of adding on to it.


New Member
i have one on my 20L and one on my 9 gallon. I like them. the one on my 9 wast custom built to stand taller than my tank. I have a 5inch sand bed with 4 different sizes of sand.


New Member
I would think so. But for a 30L, you might just want to make a custom one that would fit flush behind the tank and run the entire lenght of it.

My boss did this with his 18g half-round tank. He gave the measurements to John at Global, who placed the order with universal. I think it took about a month, but he ended up with a custom glass fuge that fits the back of his tank perfectly for about $30.

Depends on how much time you've got, and what you want to do with it.
He has several egg-crate trays for filter media, and a space for a skimmer in his.



New Member
Jennie said:
The only problem with going that route here is that the shipping is what jacks the price up.
Hmmm..There is that. How far south are you? For some reason I didn't think you were that far away. I figured you could call in the order and do a day of fish stores when it was ready for pickup. For a small one you could just get some plexi at home depot and build one yourself. If you decide to go the ac500 route, www.bigalsonline.com has them for less than $35 right now. I've used them several times and have had nothing but positive experiences.



New Member
The more I think about it the AC500 might be the best route. If I remember right, there isn't much to converting them into a fuge. I'm 70-80 Miles south of SA, unless there's a part for a tractor waiting on me up there, trips are frowned apon.


New Member
Jennie said:
The more I think about it the AC500 might be the best route. If I remember right, there isn't much to converting them into a fuge. I'm 70-80 Miles south of SA, unless there's a part for a tractor waiting on me up there, trips are frowned apon.
It was silly easy to convert.

This is what we ordered.
http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/pro ... 885&pcid1=

http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/pro ... ry_id=3153

I would get something like one of these as well to light it.

http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/pro ... pcid1=1843


http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/pro ... 843;pcid2=

I'm sure there are lots of other small-light alternatives out there as well.



New Member
I have seen an AC done as simple as leaving the top off and a small clip on light.

I wish you great luck in your endevor.



New Member
I have the AC500 on the back of my 18 gallon and it works like a champ. Because of the chaeto in it running on a reverse photoperiod my pH never drops day or night, also I have never had any measurable nitrates and I feed really heavily (but also do large water changes).

I would highly recommend using one. Not only does it provide a lot of water circulation but its cheap and easy to set up. I got mine for 35 bucks from petsmart and got a cheap clip on light from walmart combined with a plant light from home depot. All in all cost me less than 50 bucks with LR and chaeto included.


New Member
Yeah, the AQ500 is easy and cheap. You can't really beat that.

Let us know what you decide and post some pics once you get it setup with the light and all.

I'm thinking about throwing one on my 10 gallon growout tank.