HOB fitlers to refugium


New Member
Most people tak the AC filters and turn them into refugiums. Yesterday i was at a LFS and looked at a cascade filter. it already had a baffle my the water intal area. there is a opening big enough for a finger. So as far as acrylic baffles go you really dont have to worry about it. then there is the screen for the return. the cascades have a piece that is suppose to help airate the water. this could serve as a screen.
Just thought i would throw that out. would buy one my self but last month i got a AC. maybe ill just throw that one out.


New Member
ive looked at those and the baffling could be used as a screen. i though that the AC units had more chamber volume than the others i looked at. i have a bunch of old filters laying around here that i could of used but i decided on the AC.