HH Nudibranch


New Member
You know... I *thought* I saw something funky on the back wall of the tank a while back. If it was this little dude, then he has doubled in size.

I am 99.9% certain this is some kind of nudibranch (possibly an aeolid), I see em all the time diving, even out here in the cold waters of the PNW.

The clowns were very interested in him. I'm guessing he must be poisonous, otherwise he'd be digesting right now. :)

Any ID on this dude? Assume reef safe?


(Sorry for the photo quality - he's really small, and I really need a macro lens. Oh and don't you love the beautiful scratch in my new tank. Augh... :doh )



Staff member
Its hard to make a positive ID by this pic but from what I can see he looks like the zoanthid eating nudibranch that sometimes hitchhikes its way into tanks. This is not a good hitchhiker and should be taken out of the tank. I know that Eddy (Ed Gray) has a real good pic of one that maybe he will post for a more positive ID.


New Member
MMM somebody talking about me :twisted: j/k :lol:

Well last time i show a pic of it not mine of course just one i found searching around to show exactly what a had anyways you can see you little unwanted friend here if is this

http://zoaid.com/index.php?module=Galle ... itemId=415

and well does looks like one zoa eating Nudi next time you see some take them out... and well right now that you dont have too much corals you should do a iodine dip to your zoas to kill some that are not browsing in your glass also recomended time later just in case that there is some eggs that need to hatch cause iodine dip wont kill them.. Here is the link for the dip:

here is the dip recipe update :lol:

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... did=554264

and the old dip thread:

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showt ... genumber=1


New Member
get that thing outta there!! those dips that eddie showed you will do the trick, also keep a CLOSE eye out for eggs like shown in that zoaid.com link.



New Member
But I toasted him last night. The general response I got from the three communities I participate in was GET IT OUT! GET IT OUUUUUUTTTTTT!

So I did. I'm a murderer.... ;)


New Member
Resume the position Jeff!!!


Like Jesse said, keep an eye out for the eggs, if it has been in the tank for awhile there are bound to be eggs.


New Member
I would say that that is a Zoo eating nutibranch. I have these in my tank and its a daily chore to keep them removed. If theres one, theres at least 10 more. Take a while to train you eye to see them, just look on your Zoos. Look for small white eggs there in a circle.


New Member
I still have not seen eggs. I have found five more of the little buggers. Now I just "see 'em, squish 'em."


New Member
Do you have zoas? If so be prepared for a wild ride of constant monitoring/syphoning/squishing to get rid of these guys. IMO these zoa eating nudis are the biggest pains you can possibly encounter. They reproduce at a ridiculous rate and are well camoflauged. PITA


New Member
Fun is definitely the word....

One tip that I found highly effective was to syphon the zoas during each water change. Since you are syphoning water out anyways just run the syphon over as many zoas as possible. You will notice a lot of nudis in your waste water. I also used a turkey baster to syphon off any I noticed in between water changes. Good luck (you're gonna need it).


New Member
JeffDubya - How is the extermination coming along; did you find any more of those nudibranches :?:

I hope all is well.


New Member
Everything is going fine.

I see more nudis from time to time, only on the glass. My zoas are doing great. I have not seen the massive numbers some were predicting. At least not yet. They seem to come and go... 2,3 in a matter of a few days. Then none for weeks.

Thanks for asking!