Hey could someone with a lighting question

hello i posted something in the lighing section awhile back..i got one response...i was wondering if someone could pooint me in the right direction or has previous excpierence with the eclipse 12


New Member
Sorry, but the link that was posted seemed to answer your question.

What's the width of an eclipse 12g? Does it use an eclipse 1, 2, or 3 hood. Without knowing how much space you have to work with, there isn't really any way for people to look up retro kits that might work for you.

You can try running a search on eclipse 12 over on nano-reef.com, and RC, and see if you come up with any threads that might be someone DIYing a retro kit.



New Member
The only way to increase the amount of light in your tank is to add additional fixtures or to change to another type of lighting, such as metal halide (which i think might be a challenge on a 12 g eclipse). I would recommend that you look into adding compact fluorescent fixtures to your tank. It is a pretty easy DIY project, and there are plenty of people here on this site with previous experience with lighting DIY's. If you were to upgrade to ONE compact fluorescent fixture (32 watts), that might be JUST enough on that tank for the corals that you mentioned in your other post. Your best bet would to try to upgrade to TWO of those fixtures, bringing your lighting to 64 watts. You would have more flexibilty with the corals that you put in your tank.

Good luck, and feel free to ask whatever questions you have. Everyone is pretty helpful and freindly here! :)