hex 5 lighting ideas needed


New Member
So, I posted in DIY and not lighting bc they don't make kits for a hex-5.

I currently have a compact fluorescent 10 watt 5.5 inch (not 50/50) in the tank. If the 50/50 is all I can do, then I will, but I was looking for other options first.

Here's the problem with the hex-5 though. How the filter in located in the top, I'm pretty much working with my current hood space. If I get a coralife, I would be happy to replace my hood with plexi, but the challenge is that where to coralife would mount is at an angle, 12 inches at points and 6 inches at bottom.



New Member
That is going to be very hard to do anything with as far as lighting. That this is only like 11" wide from side to side right? And you only have a couple inches from front to back to play with. Wish I could help you out but I couldnt think of any retros or anything that would work on that tank.



New Member
So, here's what I did. Shifted the socket all the way to the side and put a 20 watt 50/50 in there. That's 4w/ gallon, not bad for zoos and mushrooms.

Only other thing, coralife makes a 18w 50/50 mountable, but I've got more watts now.


Staff member
How far from the lights are you able to place your corals and how deep is the tank minus the sandbed? The mushrooms and zoos will probably adjust to the light they have, just watch them to make sure they don't loose color. I would also add some food to the tank suitable for them so they are not dependant on photosynthesis alone for food.


New Member
Cyclopeeze and DT's phytoplankton are two of the best foods for the tank. If you have a phyto food... or any other filter-feeder food for that matter... that IS NOT refrigerated, it is of no use. and be very careful not to overdose the food. that can through things out of wack and lead to excessive nitrites, and algaes.



New Member
my clowns are eating the cyclops along with flake. my red zoos eat the cyclops too, but the green zoos will only eat the bottled (non-refrig) stuff. the orange zoos havent really eaten, but they are 2 tiny bitty polyps.