I mentioned the other day that I lost a sandsifting starfish, we'll he isn't the only thing I'm losing. Before I was overcome with Stometella (sp?) snails, and now I can't find any. I noticed the day before yesterday that none of the corals were opened up when I came home. I went a ahead and pulled out the test kits and could barely get a reading on Iodine/Iodide and on the calcium. Amonia, NitrIte, & NitrAte all came back 0. Decided to do a 3 gallon water change, well it didn't help. Tonight all the corals are closed, toadstool bent over, etc. Fish seem fine. Tested for the Am., trIes, trAres and all still coming back 0. Getting ready to go test Iodine/Iodide and Calcium again(after the 3 gallon WC these levels lifted). Any idea as to what could be happening here? Temp is a steady 79 since the Jebo heater was added about a month ago. Salinity is 1.026.