Help with ID


New Member
Okay, so I come home today and my cabbage frag is all shriveled and has this reddish slime on it.

I moved the cabbage a bit and you can see some of the slime transferred to the rock to the rock just to the left of the Star Polyps.

Here is a shot with my firefish for scale.

Also, what is that Blackish growth in the foreground? it seems to be getting bigger. This is the only spot of it in my tank, and it's getting bigger.

My params are all normal, but I have been running hot at about 82 degrees.

Please help if you can.


New Member
Just for reference, this is the same rock 6 weeks ago just after my cycle in my diatom bloom. :oops:

That black stuff was not there.


cyano bloom.......
syphon it out while doing water change - use just the hose not the gravel attachment, increase flow and decrease feeding, or bioload or change water more often
not likely temp related cause 82 isn't unreasonable summertime temp but point a floor fan at the tank anyway and see if that brings the temp down


New Member
I've had cyano on my sandbed, but why would it attack a coral?

Is my cabbage a goner?

Any ideas on the black stuff?

Here's an even grosser pick from before :roll:



the black stuff could be cyano too - if it sucks out with a hose it is, if not it could be sponge. if it is sponge and you find it that unsightly scrub it off with a brush - out of the tank of course or you'll spread it :) just take it out and scrub in a bucket of water from your water change
not "attacking" your leather - likely just feeding off the mucus/slime - it happens - no big deal - just syphon out as i said
but if the leather is dieing then feeding off the nutrients the bacteria are releasing decomposing it - i wouldn't jump in there and tear it out just yet though leathers can be finnicky and remain closed for days.