help please!!!

ok i am trying to start my reef tank...and it is in a 24 g nano ....during the cycle it has been set up for about week....and the tank seems to be collecting alot of brown algae on the the inside....and all over the live rocks....and i have alot of brown build up on my live this normal during the cycle?...and how do i correct this?..any input would be great...and my aim is somethingcorp904...if anybody has any advice for me through instant message


New Member
That's normal, it's your tank going through the algae blooms. Try running the lights off for a while your tank is cycling. When the algae blooms die off, and the rock cures, you'll be fine. As for now, it's brown city for you. Not the most exciting part of the tank cycling.


Active Member
I second what dragon said. Don't worry, it's part of the cycling period. Your tank will always go through smaller blooms in the future, much smaller.



New Member
Yes, the cycling period can last from one week to 5-6 weeks. I would either have a very limited photoperiod or turn the lights off alltogether. I'd just research and see what is right for you.

Yeah, not a very exciting part of the hobby. Remember patience is the key here.