
New Member
I know jack and squat about camera lenses....but all I gotta say is that is a heckofalot of cheddar for the first lens. You a photographer?


New Member
LOL no im not a photographer only a guy that like good stuff and invest in something that in the long run will last alot and well i can get the first lense in a combo the camara NIKON D70S & THE FIRST LENSE FOR $1,040 OR get second link with the camara and will be more expensive around $ 1,088. thats all.. ... 48&start=1

P.S: Dont think im gonna pay it all at once im gonna do a $100 weekly or montly payment..


New Member
you can get entire camera packages that'll take very good macros for less than that... i wouldnt think you would ned to spend more than $750 at the most.



New Member
reefman23 said:
you can get entire camera packages that'll take very good macros for less than that... i wouldnt think you would ned to spend more than $750 at the most.

If so what camara do you recommend then???....cause well will be great to spend less but i kind like that camara thats the one i use to take some of my pics but is my uncles camara so i want to get my own now cause the selfish of him is not borrowing his camara any more for odd reasons...


New Member
Maybe he's jealous that you won the contest with his camera? :razz: Well whichever one you get keep those great pictures coming! (if you are comfortable with the camera your uncle had I say get one just like it...)


New Member
TimSchmidt said:
Maybe he's jealous that you won the contest with his camera? :razz: Well whichever one you get keep those great pictures coming! (if you are comfortable with the camera your uncle had I say get one just like it...)
LOL :lol: :lol3: thats a good one yeah you're right i like my uncles and his is the one described here but the lense that i use was a model before the 105mm and that one is the best macro that is out there for the NIKON D70'S and well YOU RIGHT THA B@#%# GOT jealous of me thats why he doesnt give it to me lol ohh well and the reason is to i got 2 1st places pictures :lol: he's been like that always with people things and animals i get more attention and he gets all pissed and meany with me .....
